What sort of man would you be?

Have gone into a frenzy these past couple of days reading back my old blog posts. Aih, everything started out with such hope, then turned horribly ugly – depressing, angry, cynical. And all those words. A neverending torrent of heartbreaking words, with no break in between. Unfortunately, this post will probably be no different, but please bear with me 😛

All the reading has made me think about my situation with The Gardener, and whether any man would’ve been able to deal better. And somehow it made me think about Idol contestant, Chris Medina. Because seriously, how many men do you know personally who would’ve acted the same way? Perhaps my brothers, but really, noone else I know. And that made me realize the fact that more women are willing to sacrifice for love than men. Which is sad. Because why are women more willing to accept their partners wholly, flaws and all (most of the time), but most men whinge and complain about their gfs and wives and then proceed to look for ‘hotter’ women who are more eager to please? Of course, we complain, too, but we don’t just drop you like a hat.

Maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to have different needs fulfilled by different men. Like…one for hot sex, one for arm candy, one for intelligent conversations, one for fun outings, and one for miscellaneous duties. So I need a couple more lar…

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